Three Trees Permaculture Farm – Living Our Ethics

Three Trees Permaculture Farm is where we call home. When we are not busy running Khali Khutta, we can usually be found outside in our fields tending to our fruit trees, vegetable beds, crops or forest. When we talk about Khali Khutta and our foundations of sustainability and strong ethical code of conduct, we do not just mean with regards to our company. It would be hypocritical to simply pay lip service to these topics in order to curate a brand image to sell wares, but not live these ethics each day ourselves.

Our objective with our farm is first and foremost to be self sufficient in terms of food. To grow nutrient dense, varied food following regenerative agricultural practices, which, through working with natural processes, improve the soil, water and air continually over time.
Beyond this, we hope also to inspire and affect change in others’ through an open farm gate approach, allowing visitors and guests from near and far to share in what we do and learn from us and with us. We hope to support farmers, particularly those local to us, in avoiding the damaging use of agricultural chemicals by being an example and information source of alternative methods of soil fertilization, pest management and crop cultivation.

We are following a permaculture inspired approach to designing our land and lives. This means observing the patterns around us – the rhythm of nature, human activities, day to day and throughout the years. One of our favorite principles, which has become our mantra, is “The Solution is Inside the Problem”. We are dynamic in our approach to problem solving and consider the impacts of each decision we make.
We have established a young food forest as well as an intensive vegetable production zone. We are planting a fruit orchard too, which will employ agroforestry techniques, ultimately to include chickens and cows. We have a large area dedicated to wildnerness, which, over the last 30 years, has naturally regenerated into a diverse full canopy forest where wild pigs, deers, pangolin, yellow throated martens, various snakes, jungle chickens, leopards and a stunning variety of insects and birds can be found.